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Vores salgsteam vil hjælpe dig med al den nødvendige information, du måtte have brug for.


Hannu Rantanen

Head of Sales
+358 40 537 8722


Over € 20 billion worth of assets managed with Assetti

  • What languages is Assetti available in?

    Assetti is available in English, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, German and French.

  • Which currencies does Assetti support?

    Assetti is not a country specific solution, therefore you can switch between different languages and currencies.

  • Do I have to provide payment information up front?

    No, Assetti's subscription plans can be paid on monthly or yearly basis. Subscriptions are automatically renewed if not canceled.

  • How do I pay for my subscription?

    If you decide to continue with Assetti after demo, you will receive monthly or annual invoices. Please contact us for more information.

  • How can I end my subscription?

    You can end your subscription from your Assetti account. The notice period for an annual subscription is 3 months (90 days) and a notice for a monthly subscription is 1 month (30 days). Just remember, if you happen to cancel after the notice date, your subscription will be renewed for the next period and will end in the one after that.