Family offices & Private equity

Manage your portfolios in one place and automate reporting

Automate the collection of the data from your service providers, and ease up reporting

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Collect, manage and report your rent rolls easily

Assetti provides you the best practices to unify and standardize your income, cost, and rent roll reporting. Consolidate your rent rolls from your existing systems through integrations and stay up-to-date on your units and lease agreements with our simple filtering functions.

Track your rental income and costs

Combine your financial data from multiple sources to one place and see your property's financial performance as visual representations. Whether you have diverse or mixed-asset portfolios, Assetti transforms your portfolio data to an understandable form and enables easier reporting.

Automate reporting

Staying up-to-date on the performance of your assets is one thing, but to report it to your stakeholders is another thing, which typically is manual, tedious and labour intensive. However, once you have all the data readily available in Assetti, you can create reports automatically, which saves time and money.

Automated financial reporting

Trusted by 100+ happy real estate professionals

Testimonial Image

"Assetti has become an integral part of our investor reporting. We were able to build fund-specific reporting templates that automatically update the data exported to Assetti and are easy to edit with additional information. We also use Assetti in client meetings to visually report the status of an individual property or fund."

Anne-Maria Hautala

Controller, Evli

"By using Assetti, I could spend my time analyzing and thinking about my properties and their performance. I saved a lot of time and got the board more involved by running the dialogue through Assetti."

Antti Jäntti

Head of Real Estate Investment, Pharmacy Pension Fund

Simplify Portfolio Management and Reporting with Assetti

Consolidate your data, track rental income and costs, and automate reporting without the manual hassle. Assetti streamlines real estate management and enables faster, more efficient reporting to stakeholders.

Rentroll managementAsset & Portfolio management