Automated Financial Reporting

Track changes in your portfolios easily

Save your time by managing units, leases and properties in one application. Consolidate property information over geographical location, currency, language, and measurements. With Assetti, you can easily share the information about individual portfolios or assets with your colleagues.

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Get an improved understanding of your tenancy schedule and rent roll

Assetti's automated rent roll reporting standardizes your asset management processes. Get real-time information about your tenants, leases, rents and rental levels whenever you want. You can easily search for vacant units and answer an enquiry from a potential tenant, thus reducing the time to close a leasing deal!

Communicate about costs faster and more accurately

Assetti gives you fully automated and integrated KPIs with your tenant profitability, repairs, and operating expenses. Compare these performance indicators within your portfolios and filter, visualize and export them for improved understanding.

Automate your data sources and follow up your initial investment plan

Have up-to-date information about new investments and repairs at your fingertips. The data you gather from your facility management systems and other data sources will be automatically visualized - in addition to long term plan repair and CAPEX KPIs.

Manage your yield with ease

Maximizing your yield has never been this easy. By having up-to-date information about your yield and asset value, you get the most out of your asset's performance. Whether you or your stakeholders are on the go, you can access Assetti on any device and find the needed information fast.

Free your time with automated SPV reporting

Create automated templates for quarterly reporting with Assetti. This decreases your manual workload so you can fully concentrate on following and analyzing your property fund/SPV's performance. Communicate with your investors and follow the fund/SPV's business plan and strategy accordingly.

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Trusted by 100+ happy real estate professionals

Testimonial Image

"Assetti has become an integral part of our investor reporting. We were able to build fund-specific reporting templates that automatically update the data exported to Assetti and are easy to edit with additional information. We also use Assetti in client meetings to visually report the status of an individual property or fund."

Anne-Maria Hautala

Controller, Evli

"By using Assetti, I could spend my time analyzing and thinking about my properties and their performance. I saved a lot of time and got the board more involved by running the dialogue through Assetti."

Antti Jäntti

Head of Real Estate Investment, Pharmacy Pension Fund

Transform Your Financial Reporting with Assetti

Centralize your asset data, simplify reporting, and plan for future. With Assetti, you can seamlessly consolidate rent roll and financials, plan for future, and keep stakeholders aligned.

Rentroll management