Köresaar Kiinteistöt Oy is a Finnish family company which was founded in 1928 and operates in the real estate rental industry. The company leases business premises, warehouses and production facilities to corporate customers in the Roihupelto industrial area in Helsinki.Â
With the change of generation in 2006, Köresaar Kiinteistöt passed into the ownership of its current CEO Leena Rantalankila and her sister.
Storing the data
In the early days of Assetti, Köresaar Kiinteistöt started using a system to help manage real estate and contract information. The idea was to get all the information in one place where those would be easy to manage. In particular, there was a need to transfer leases and premises information online. With the help of Assetti, the operations became more organized. Before using Assetti, the tenancy register and information about partners were generally known only to the CEO. Contracts and renovation information were stored in folders.
"I did and still do a lot of work remotely. Before Assetti, I always had to take a pile of folders to my summer cottage office,” Leena recalls. “Now I can look for example at leases, wherever and whenever the internet is available and I don’t necessarily even have to be at the computer. If the sale of the company became topical, the history of the properties and other necessary information would be found quickly,” she continues.
Support for single entrepreneurship
As a single entrepreneur, Leena says she appreciates Assetti's expertise, good customer service and the support she receives. Assetti gives you new perspectives on your own potentially entrenched operating models. “This is kind of networking for the solo entrepreneur”, Leena sums up.Â
Integration to accounting system
Assetti grows with customer needs. With improved features, processes become more efficient. Already some time ago, Köresaar Kiinteistöt got the integration of income and expenses. In practice the information in the income statement is transferred at the account level from an accounting software Procountor to Assetti. Leena believes her work will become easier and more efficient with the new integration. There is no need to work on data in Excel spreadsheets anymore and look there for answers. “Now I can see everything easily at a glance”, Leena says happily.