All your property asset data in one place
Manage your property and lease information with Assetti. Get integrated and visualized reporting to your property asset, and lease agreement portfolios.
You can find details easily and collaborate with your team by adding comments, attachments, due dates, and property or lease specific information.
Stay connected with your team and stakeholders
Whether you want to collaborate with your team, asset manager or investor, Assetti helps to keep yourself up-to-date and your team to stay organized. By giving access to your colleagues, you get notifications whenever someone has made changes or updated your property, lease or financial related data. Replace email chains and spreadsheets with Assetti, and work smarter with your colleagues.
Track your business performance and enhance decision-making with visualized dashboards
Assetti provides you visual insights to your portfolios and makes your rental cashflow analyzing easy. Occupancy, WALT, and rental level information are always at your fingertips. If you’re on the go and need to make important decisions fast, you get the necessary information in Assetti on any device, anytime.